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late seeping + late wake up

I don't know why yesterday i can't sleeping early...maybe coz i misz him and want contect him for hear he voice..! urghhh!.. my cradit was low and i just use my sister's hp without her permision..hehehe...she was sleeping early..so i take this chance for calling him..urm...but i can't call him for long hour..just take 5 min coz that not my cradit...just want to say " aq windu glew at kao syg "..After call him..i don't know what want to do...just leasson music...but i can't sleeping..!! after 4.30 a.m when my clock was alart for wake up..bwu ley tido..owl laen nga busy  g bgown mndi..aq bwu na lelap an mate..apew ar nasib...nie kes windu t'amat sgt at dye..da la xley msg coz duet nga pokai na topup pown..hurm...i such waiting my daddy back from shah alam next week..what..?!! next week..!! my God !!.. can't chat with him on 1 weeks...???!!! da la xdpt jumpa... T_T..!! aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so stress now !!!!